Helping agents & principals like you understand your agency’s legal needs.
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New Requirements for Directors under the Corporations Act – Director Identification Numbers
Legal Update Alert: New Requirements for Directors under the Corporations Act - Director Identification Numbers
Franchise Legal Update Alert
Legal Update Alert! Did you know the super guarantee rate is increasing from 1 July 2021? Don’t get caught out!
Did you know the super guarantee rate is increasing from 1 July 2021? Don’t get caught out!
Legal Update Alert! Did you know the super guarantee rate is increasing from 1 July 2021? Don’t get caught out!
Are you aware of the changes to casual staff laws? Don’t get caught out!
O*NO! Did you know the laws relating to casuals have changed?! Do you know what you need to do so you don’t get caught out? Here’s what you need to know.
The power of the right support network
Business is like a roller coaster – but the right support network can ensure that you feel less motion sick when those dips inevitably come.
The right to disconnect and what it means for you and your business
In the wake of COVID-19, work-life balance faces a massive shift as the 'right to disconnect' looms on the horizon. Here's what you need to know and what you should consider to manage a healthier work-life balance for your employees.
Protecting your secrets from exiting employees
Did you know that most departing employees aren’t aware of their ongoing obligations to your business? What steps have you taken to protect your business and your clients from the risk of an exiting employee?
What is a Boutique Law Firm and why should you care?
Have you heard of boutique law firms? Did you ever wonder what benefits they offer or how they are different from traditional law firms?
The DOs and DON’Ts of high performing business partnerships
Do you have a business partner or are thinking of taking one on in your agency? Do you want to know the recipe for building a high-performance partnership? If yes, then read on for our hot tips…