Increase the value of your real estate agency

by harnessing the power of technology and legal strategy

Corporate Groups.

Franchising and brand licensing is one of the most effective and fastest ways to take your agency or business to the next level. While you expand your business through franchising and brand licensing, we can help you make it successful and stress free.

If you are a franchisor, licensor, or corporate head office and want to

  • add value to your franchisees or group,

  • set yourself apart from your competition by providing the best support possible to your group, and

  • cover your own a*rse

then you need to support your group when it comes to legals and compliance.


We help corporate head offices.

We support corporate head offices in both franchise and licensing models.

We offer both:

  • Legal advice and support on an ‘as needed’ basis.

  • Custom membership packages for ongoing support.

We can design a REAL Membership package to suit your unique needs.

Combining our online digital solutions and premium custom legal support, advice, and transactional legal services including unlimited phone support when you really need it.


We help corporate group offices.

We can help your franchise or licensed offices under either a partner or referral model.

When their a*rse is covered, your revenue, brand, and network are protected and future proofed.

  • Partner Model.

    Our Partner Model involves a close working relationship with you and your franchisees or licensees.

    We can help you add value by building the REAL Membership into either your group or back-end services support offering. We will also assist you in providing legal training to your network.

  • Referral model.

    Our Referral Model involves being listed as a preferred supplier for legal services to your network.

    If you know of an office in your network that requires extra legal or compliance support you can refer them to us with a free 10 min no obligation chat to kick things off.

Our REAL Membership and Health Check is a digital legal membership for your real estate franchisees and licensees to ensure their a*rse is actually covered, legally speaking. We do a deep dive into their risk, compliance, and legal areas and create a simple 12 month action plan to plug any leaky holes, supported through the tools and resources inside the Membership.


  • Our custom legal solutions have us doing all the heavy lifting for you. We undertake the legal work on your behalf and is a great option for the time poor principal. It can include ongoing support or legal help on an ‘as needed’ basis.

    Our REAL Membership includes digital and on demand legal products and whilst we guide you through what you need to do, it’s largely DIY, designed for the cost-conscious principal.

    Our highest level of membership – Done for You, is a hybrid model for ongoing support, with full access to our membership resources, but with the custom element of us doing the legal work for you and acting as your on-call lawyers. Description text goes here

  • Don’t stress because the answer is ‘it’s easy’! Just book in for a no obligation, free 10 min chat with us here.

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Book an obligation free call with our team today to discuss your agency's legal needs.

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